
What is Life? – To live courageously

Life can be glorious and tragic. Perhaps without beauty, love, or challenge. Would life be very pleasant? Cre: Pinterest Many people believe that their destiny is written by a constellation, that they cannot control their own destiny. And their lives will be driven by fate. They have no choice but to walk in the dark. Even if there was bright sunlight around them, they did not belong to them. Do you believe that? That your destiny is pre-arranged? No one can answer this question but you, "Who am I?"  –  you will answer for yourself. What is your purpose in life? Is it wealth, fame, or the pinnacle of success? So without them – wealth, success, fame – who are you? If I do not know who I am, then what am I doing here? If so, is everything I am doing just pure excitement? Then all will become meaningless. What is my dream? Who do I want to be? What makes a beautiful life, a life that I want? Cre: Pinterest I want to become a person who can live doing what I love. I know...